• Gifts of Cash: The CARES Act allows taxpayers who take the standard deduction to make up to $300 of charitable contributions to qualified charities. Itemizers can deduct up to 100% of adjusted gross income. As of now, this only applies to 2020.
• Stock or Securities: Make a gift of stock or securities to Agassiz Village and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of your stock. Please call Lisa Carter, Executive Director, at 781-860-0200 ext.1006 to make your stock gift.
• Individual Retirement Account: If you or a family member are 70½ or older with an individual retirement account (IRA), you can make a tax-free gift to Agassiz Village directly from your IRA. This is called a qualified charitable distribution. Through the SECURE Act you can transfer any amount up to $100,000 per year directly to a qualified charitable organization without paying income tax on the distribution.
• Donor-Advised Funds: Give through your donor-advised fund to maximize your impact. Your fund sponsor handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts.

Agassiz Village has a rich history that begins in 1935, when Boston attorney and philanthropist Harry E. Burroughs bought the Poland, Maine, property upon which the camp sits from the YWCA for the boys of his Burroughs Newsboys Foundation. Through nine decades, Agassiz has been a safe haven for underserved children, providing them with the means to escape the struggles of their daily lives and learn much-needed life skills to reach their full potential.