• Gifts of Cash: The CARES Act allows taxpayers who take the standard deduction to make up to $300 of charitable contributions to qualified charities. Itemizers can deduct up to 100% of adjusted gross income. As of now, this only applies to 2020.
• Stock or Securities: Make a gift of stock or securities to Agassiz Village and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of your stock. Please call Lisa Carter, Executive Director, at 781-860-0200 ext.1006 to make your stock gift.
• Individual Retirement Account: If you or a family member are 70½ or older with an individual retirement account (IRA), you can make a tax-free gift to Agassiz Village directly from your IRA. This is called a qualified charitable distribution. Through the SECURE Act you can transfer any amount up to $100,000 per year directly to a qualified charitable organization without paying income tax on the distribution.
• Donor-Advised Funds: Give through your donor-advised fund to maximize your impact. Your fund sponsor handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts.

During summer sessions, Agassiz Village adheres to a structured schedule for each day of camp. The following schedule provides a look at the life of a daily camper while attending Agassiz, along with explanations of some of the activities listed.
7:00 Wake Up
8:00 Breakfast
8:45 Cabin Pride & Morning Circle
9:30 Activity Period 1
10:45 Activity Period 2
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Siesta
1:45 Activity Period 3
3:00 Activity Period 4
4:00 Snack
4:30 AV Clubs/Free Swim
6:00 Dinner
7:30 Evening Activity
9:00 Evening Circle & Reflection Time
9:30 Lights Out

Cabin Pride & Morning Circle
Campers complete their morning cabin pride task (sweeping, tidying their sleeping area, etc.) to compete for Cleanest Cabin of the Day! Campers set their goals for the upcoming day/week, share how they are feeling, and discuss how they can best work as a team.
Campers have down time to rest and prepare for the second part of the day.
Evening Activity
All campers participate in games such as AV Best Dance Crew, Lip-Sync Battle, Talent Show, Gold Rush, Campouts, Movie Night, Wacky Counselor, AV Best Race, Human Bingo, and Campfire.
Evening Circle & Reflection Time
Campers reflect on how their day went, what their highs and lows were, how they are feeling, and what worked or needs to be adapted for their cabin.
Activity Periods (1-4) — Each activity is repeated three times during a camper’s stay, allowing campers to build skills and confidence in each area. From thrilling high ropes courses and archery to peaceful boating and swim instruction, the camp provides a wide variety of experiences. With options like dance, arts & crafts, and many other activities, every camper can find something they love and explore new interests.
AV Clubs/Free Swim — Campers alternate each day between a relaxing free swim and an engaging AV Clubs period. Free swim offers a chance to unwind, splash around, and enjoy the water with friends. AV Clubs, on the other hand, is a choice activity period where campers can select from a diverse range of clubs, including hiking, dance, friendship bracelet-making, fairy house building, soccer, basketball, high ropes, and more. This rotation allows campers to enjoy both free play and the opportunity to explore a variety of interests each day.
iTHRIVE Workshops — For older campers, we offer workshops that focus on life skills needed to be successful after high school graduation. Campers participate in daily one-hour workshops on college-readiness, career readiness, financial literacy, and leadership skills.