This is April Brunner, your friendly neighborhood camp nurse! April joined the team in 2019 and it is safe to say, she ROCKS! April is kind, caring, and considerate, she would work 24 hours a day at camp if she could. Her constant positivity, and dedication to helping others is unparalleled. We caught up with her in the midst of everything to see how she is doing.
"I know we are currently living in an uncertain time, with the Covid-19 pandemic on every news station and social media outlet. However I come from the front lines to let you know we healthcare workers are ready and available to take care of you and your family members during this crisis.
Currently, I work on an orthopedic floor down in Florida. However, my unit was closed due to elective surgeries being cancelled, so I've volunteered to work the COVID-19 Rule Out ward. On my days off, I come in as an ER screener, and this week I provided Personal Protective Equipment to all staff members in the hospital through our utilization system. Everyone from the Doctors to the Housekeepers are provided appropriate PPE. Everyone is there to provide the best care to our patients. If you get the chance- thank someone who works in the hospital. They take that chance of infection every day they go to work, and they do it for you!

My best suggestion right now is for everyone to stay away from the hospital unless you are very sick. The hospital is full of germs, and the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 is increased when in the hospital due to the potential positive cases that come through the ER. Sometimes it takes days for patients to get the test results.
Also don’t be afraid to leave your house during this time. Everyone needs to get out of a stuffy house and breathe some fresh air.
Stay safe, wash your hands often, and I'll see you all this summer!!"